Found: Encouragement for today – You Matter
It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart… Philippians 1:7 (ESV)
The gathering took place in the gym…
Announcements and senior speeches took place before the community team-building games began.
The games allowed the students to compete against each other in a fun way to build community and let go of the stress many of them carry.
Throughout the evening I saw smiles. I heard laughter.
Afterwards, I scanned the room slowly – the gymnasium was huge, yet the moment felt small.
I tried to look every one of them in the eye and tell them, “You Matter,” because sometimes when you are a boarding student you forget how important you really are. The world can feel so big. You can get lost in the crowd. When you don’t wake up in your own home with your own parents, you need to be reminded of how much you are loved.
“Your parents are your biggest cheerleaders, but when they are not present on a daily basis that role is filled by your dorm parents, your teachers, and your coaches. Just as you cheered each other on in your games, we cheer you on – because your life matters and each one of us wants to see you succeed.”
The gym had gone from controlled-fun craziness to pin-drop silence.
All 320 beautiful faces from around the world looking at me – and me looking directly at them. For the moment, the stress of school and loneliness was gone. And now they can start their week…
And I was reminded of Sister Helen Mrosla who wrote her students names on a piece of paper. The students took time during class to encourage each other by writing positive attributes about each name on the pieces of paper. When Sister Helen attended one of her students funerals, they found the encouraging paper in his wallet years later. The small gesture was life-impacting.
YOU matter. You were put here for a purpose and you are loved so that you can love.
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou
Maybe instead of giving up something for Lent, you give to someone – a daily hug, daily words of encouragement, time, a letter??
Who will you impact today?
Basking in His Light

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Edwina Patterson
March 5, 2014 at 7:51 amSo proud of you and the divine viewpoint God is pouring into your life. May it be contagious to all you met.
Mindy Lee Hopman
March 5, 2014 at 2:13 pmEdwina,
Thank you for your words of encouragement. They are priceless. You have been with me since the beginning of this journey – encouraging me the entire time. I am so grateful.
Love you and love your heart,