When Confidence is Found in a Name {Peter}
Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter. Matthew 10:2
My family loves to play tennis. We are NOT great tennis players, but we enjoy hitting the ball around in friendly (and sometimes not-so-friendly) competition. My husband and daughter form a team, and they play against my son and I. My daughter has just begun to really play with us. She can finally serve the ball (from the back lines) and keep up with surprisingly great returns. At home we call her “sweetness” in contrast to the “sour” mood she can sometimes be in, but on the court I call her “muscles” since she has the strength to return the ball. There is something in the name. When I say it, she believes it, her confidence rises and she follows through. She is strong.
Many people have two names for different reasons. Peter had two names.
In the four gospels, the twelve are listed in a specific order. Peter always comes first. When he met Jesus, he was an eager, bold, and often outspoken fisherman. His name was not always Peter.
Simon, whom He also named Peter. Luke 6:14
His first name was Simon, which was more common at the time. When Jesus called Simon to follow Him, and Simon chose to follow, Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter or “Rock.” Petros in Greek means “a rock or a stone.”
Just as we call our children by different names when we want to give more meaning to our words, Jesus did the same thing. When Peter reverts to his old ways, Jesus called him Simon to rebuke him or correct him. Simon (who was originally unreliable and undependable) referred to Peter before He knew Christ. Now, Peter was to be a rock! Jesus wanted Simon to remember who He is, and how he should act as a follower of Christ and the leader of the twelve disciples.
It must have reached the point where whenever the Lord said, ‘Simon,’ Peter cringed. He must have been thinking, Please call me Rock! And the Lord might have replied, ‘I’ll call you Rock when you act like a rock.’ John MacArthur, Twelve Ordinary Men
Peter, born a leader at birth, had the characteristics Jesus was looking for in a disciple. He asked good questions and he took initiative. When the disciples were in the boat in the middle of the sea of Galilee, it was Peter who saw Jesus walking on water and said to Him,
Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You out on the water.’ Jesus answered, ‘Come.’ Matthew 14:27-29
The courage it took Peter to get out of the boat to walk on water was commendable. However, once his senses hit him, he noticed the wind, panicked a little, and started to sink. When he remembered who he was, and who he was following, Peter was okay.
Each experience (both good and bad) taught Peter more about the man he was following – and drew the two of them closer together.
Then, in one of his weaker moments, Peter denied Jesus three times (once the rooster crowed).
Peter realized his actions. He asked for forgiveness. At Pentecost Peter received the power of the Holy Spirit, preached immediately, and three thousand were saved (Acts 2:14-41). He was on fire for the Lord then, and the apostle Peter continues to impact the world today.
Remember who you are.
We know him as Simon Peter – an ordinary man who did extraordinary works for God from a combination of his passions and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Do you have a special name someone calls you that gives you an extra boost of confidence?
If not, let me remind you… You are beloved by your Father in Heaven. He calls you Beloved, which means “dearly loved.”
This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. Matthew 17:5
Do your kids have a second name, or a “nickname,” that encourages them, reminds them how much they are loved, or how strong they are? If not, why don’t you consider giving them one today?
MacArthur, John. Twelve Ordinary Men: How the Master Shaped His Disciples for Greatness, and What He Wants to Do with You. Nashville, TN: W Pub.
Group, 2002. Print.
Basking in His Light

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A Zealous Love
April 11, 2014 at 3:28 pm[…] Peter’s nickname helped him remember his life changed when he chose to follow Jesus. […]