Clinging to Joy
…under whose wings you have come to take refuge. Ruth 2:12 (ESV)
When my daughter was born, I tutored students in my home during the evening hours, which allowed for me to take care of her during the day. Shortly afterwards I was needed to teach in the classroom again full-time, so she went to school with me and stayed in the PreK room. In the beginning she loved everything new, because she was just like her older brother who was already in school. My husband and I lived and worked on the school campus, so now she had her own teacher and her very own classroom. However the novelty wore off when she realized we would be apart all day long. I can still remember her clinging to me each morning. She would look up at me with tear-filled eyes, wrap her arms around me, and hold tight. The squeeze was like a death grip. She was holding onto my body, but she was really holding onto was my heart. Those were hard days for a mamma’s heart.
It’s the grip that I will never forget. The grip that transcends words and screams I need you and I can’t do this without you.
As a child grips her mother, we find joy and He gives us strength when we cling to God with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength.When you face fear – cling.
When you doubt – cling.
When you are numb – cling.
And in the clinging… Pray.
It’s in the grip that we find peace in His presence. At the end of ourselves is when we find Him, and it’s in the grip where water is turned into wine.
When you are tired and weary, cling.
On day six there was a wall. On day seven the wall came down. What if Joshua’s soldiers marching around Jericho quit on day six?
They could not see the big picture. They didn’t know the end of the story.
They did know God keeps His promises.
They remembered God’s presence when He parted the Jordan and the twelve tribes marked their moments.
At the threshold of every transition comes a Spirit of fear. Do you want to stay at the edge of the Jordan? Christine Caine
Ruth marked her moment when she married into a Hebrew family. Within her marriage she found the One-true God. When her husband passed away, Ruth had a choice. She could have returned to her family in Moab, instead she let go of her past and clung to her mother-in-law Naomi. As small birds cling and seek refuge under their mamma’s wings, Ruth sought refuge under the wings of the God of Israel. When Ruth clung to Naomi, she was clinging to the heart of God.
Together they returned to Naomi’s homeland of Bethlehem where they discovered a kinsman redeemer – a relative in the family who according to Hebrew law would marry Ruth, redeem the covenant of marriage, and possess the land.
When God is doing something big, remember the moments you have marked.
Where do you see God’s fingerprints on your life in the past?
Just like Ruth, in the future:
1. You will have to make a choice.
2. You will have to open your hands to let go of fear, anxiety, and your past.
3. You will go the direction He leads you, if you choose to cling.
Ruth marries Boaz and gives birth to Obed, who becomes the grandfather of David in the lineage of Jesus Christ.
Blessed is the LORD who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel. Ruth 4:14 (NASB)
Just as Ruth did not know her purpose, or see her fairy-tale ending, we cannot see ours either.
The daily choices Ruth made reflected the integrity of her sweet heart, and with each choice she brought God naches (delight, joy).
From the perspective of eternity God’s master plan is the “big picture” and each of us is a beautiful snapshot placed for a purpose right where He wants us.
Heavenly Father,
I praise you for the shelter of your wings in which we cling with all of our souls, minds, and strength. It’s in Your shelter where we find hope, peace, rest, and a renewed strength in You to move forward when we cannot see the next step ahead of us. I praise you for Your promises to love us and always be with us. Regardless of how big the battle is we are facing, You are with us paving the way for us to follow. May we choose to cling to You and follow You with open hands. May we not give up regardless of how strong the Spirit of fear becomes. You are bigger, and You are greater, and we know that Joy comes in the morning. As we turn back to you these 40 days, may You renew and restore our joy.
In Jesus name I pray,
Reflect & Respond:
– Will you choose to open your hands, let go of the past, and cling to the One who holds your future?
– Mark the moments God has kept His promises to you in the past and hold on to them tight with hope.
We do not know what the future holds, but we can rest in the One who holds our future.
“You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me.” Psalm 139:5 (NASB)
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)
Keeping you close in prayer,
Basking in His Light

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February 24, 2015 at 7:32 am“It’s in the grip that we find peace in His presence.” Thank you for reminding me of this beautiful promise today!
February 24, 2015 at 7:35 amMindy, thanks for cheering us on to cling to our faith! I studied Ruth for the first time last fall and loved that little book filled with so much faith. #raralinkup – have a great day, Kim Stewart
Robert Stanek
February 24, 2015 at 9:52 amThank you for taking the time to share God’s love. Your words are insightful and comforting.
Katy McCown
February 25, 2015 at 1:03 pmHi Mindy! I love the idea of marking the moments of God’s faithfulness. When we start to do that, we notice just how many there are!! Visiting today from #RaRaLinkup
Sheila Kimball
February 25, 2015 at 4:32 pmCLING! All the time…Thanks, Mindy! #RaRaLinkup