Word to The Word {One Word Challenge 2025}

Our purpose behind choosing One Word is to find One Word to help us remember God is constantly at work in our lives. We choose One Word to help us throughout the year focus on Him, grow in Him, and trust in knowing that we are never alone. #oneword

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Advent Devotional: Fourth Sunday {Love}

The angel Gabriel, whose name itself means strength, gave Mary strength for the journey which lay ahead of her.

Hope, peace, and joy were born out of the greatest gift of love.

#advent #family #devotional #LOVE

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Advent Devotional: Third Sunday {Joy}

When God tells us to rejoice, He does not mean for us to have joy about the situation we are facing, but rather to remember we have JOY because of the Savior who was born to die, rise again, and live as our everyday HOPE!

#advent #JOY #family #devotional

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