Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2
Lately I live with a sense of expectancy.
Maybe it’s because I can look back and see God’s fingerprints in amazing ways.
Maybe it’s because I’m seeing a stirring occurring in the hearts of women around the world – near and far.
Maybe it’s because the depth of my knowledge of God’s love grows deeper each time I teach it to others.
Maybe it’s because my heart is on fire to help women understand how much HE loves them.
Whatever the reason, the expectancy is there and It. Is. Real.
SO… We are opening our doors to gather for the IF:Gathering.
A burning desire placed within the heart of one woman – who reached out to a few key leaders – who broke down the walls, insecurities, camps, agendas, and hurts to bring women together to answer one question: IF… God is real, then what?
He is gathering them…
Through Him, women will equip women.
Through Him, women will be unleashed to walk deeply in His love with a sense of purpose.
If you feel the urgency burning in your soul – please join us.
Do you want to see God work? Just show up.
Friday, February 7th
Session 1: 3:00-6:00
— Break for Dinner —
Session 2: 8:30-11:30
Saturday, February 8th
Session 3: 10:00-1:00
— Break for Lunch —
Session 4: 3:30-6:00
Note: All times listed are Eastern Standard
Couldn’t He call the very most unlikely to gather a generation, to unite his daughters, under His name, on His mission for our minute here. Jennie Allen
Find a gathering in your area.
Host a gathering in your home.
Registration Cost: You decide the amount. Set fees has been waved, so that money is not a barrier to keep you from gathering.
There can be two of you – or two hundred – just begin by following the stirring and living with expectancy. He will show up, if you invite Him.
Basking in His Light

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