Found: Love in the Mess
We think we are the ones in control of love, but really it’s the other way around.
Our society says love is based on what we do or how we look. So often the pretty ones or the high achievers seem to be loved more…
Our homes can be busy.
Our lives can be fast.
The table is messy and the sink is full…
There is so much to do, sometimes we forget to stop and smell the roses. In the hurriedness we forget to love…
He loved us first.
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Regardless if you turn your back against Him for a season… He still loves you.
Regardless if you fail a test… He still loves you.
Regardless if your house is a mess, or you get in an argument with your husband, children, sister, brother, or friend before school… He still loves you.
Regardless if you shake your fists at Him shouting “WHY?”… Even in your doubt… He. Still. Loves. You.
God’s love isn’t flowery pink or rose-red. His love for you is deeper, wider, and greater than we can imagine.
His love covers our mess…
His love is for the high achievers and the low achievers…
His love for the good and for the bad…
His love is for the pretty and His love is for the ugly ~ on the inside & out.
Nothing you DO can make Him love you more and nothing you DO can make Him love you less. He loves you the same regardless.
If His loved was based on what we do, we would never be able to do enough.
Nothing you will ever do could make God love you more than He does right now: not greater achievement, not greater beauty, not wider recognition, not even greater levels of spirituality and obedience. Nothing you have ever done could make God love you any less: not any sin, not any failure, not any guilt, not any regret.” John Ortberg
His love comes from what was already done.
He created YOU with love and He brought you back to Himself by love.
God’s love was expressed on the cross – once and for all.
For God so loved the world,that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Our love to others is fully expressed when we realize the depth of God’s love towards us.
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11
We are loved with an eternal, everlasting love. Even in the messiest of places, He still loves us.
He loved us so that ~ we can express His love to others.
We hug longer.
We forgive from our hearts.
We encourage with our words.
We listen quietly.
We cherish moments.
We make memories…
We take time to love others – the loveable & the unloveable because in God’s eyes ~ we are all loved.
Basking in His Light

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Shannon Marshall
February 14, 2014 at 7:17 amThank you! Thank you! For this message. This morning I have awoken feeling like a total mess. Your message has inspired me, touched me, and has moved me beyond the ability to breathe. Yes, I struggle with areas that when they faulter or just plainly fall flat, I get frustrated and want to curl up in a ball, and I admit, struggle with thinking… “What is God truly thinking about me right now?” Your words hit the nail right into my palms (not my head). He displayed his love for me on the cross. He displays his love for me through scripture. He displays his love for me even on my worst of days.
THANK YOU! The words God has graciously given you have been just what I needed for the start of this day! God bless and God’s love to you, Sister in Christ.
Mindy Lee Hopman
February 15, 2014 at 5:56 amShannon, YES! He loves us in spite of our mess. His blood covers our mess. Love that they hit you in the “palm”! So perfect! God is so gracious… Happy Saturday!