Found: Friends in All Places
…that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love. Colossians 2:2
You won’t see them in these pictures. The cameras don’t face in our direction.
We sit side-by-side cheering our boys on to victory (because everyone needs cheerleaders in life) and moms tend to cheer the loudest, the strongest, and the longest.
During the down-time on the sidelines we realized our love for campfires, boating, faith, healthy recipes, beautiful yellow labs, all things embroidered, etc., etc., etc… We bonded over good blocks, passes, checks, and goals. We bonded over good books. We bonded over wins and losses.
These are the friends you sit down beside, after a long day, when you finally remember to breathe – and you breathe deep together.
These are the friends who show up at your door with baked goods to help ease the pain of a broken ankle.
These are the friends who show up at your door with dinner, just because there was extra.
We need people who will not give up on us, and we will not give up on them.
Jennie Allen, Restless
We need friends in each of our places: church, school, neighborhoods, etc..
Jesus showed us that friends encourage each other, and friends build each other up.
Friends run this race called life together.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1
There were twelve, so He chose twelve. God was doing something new, so we could recognize His fingerprints.
Jesus had friends – twelve men to walk with Him, listen to Him, and learn from Him.
God puts people in our lives to encourage us and help us grow. He knows who we need and what we need for the circumstances in life we are facing.
We learn from each other, support each other, and love each other during this leg of the race.
Together, we cheer our boys on with our friends from the past, from the present, and new friends.
Friends help you remember good times, and friends help you look forward to the future.
Friends speak truth, even when it’s hard to hear.
God gives us friends in each season to help us grow closer to Him.
During the game, I looked at the hill, and there was my daughter – playing with her friends.
For my sweet friends who have touched my life over the years, thank you for helping me grow. I am grateful.
Do you have friendships which help you grow closer to Him?
Basking in His Light

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