Now We Know…
For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13
I saw the sweet family walking up the beach. Mom and Dad holding the hands of two little ones under the age of two.
As they walked closer, my eyes were drawn to the beautiful bulge in her belly.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14 (NASB)
Her eyes caught mine and she looked into them deeply, and I gave her a knowing smile. She knew, and I knew.
She put her hands on her lower back. I could tell it was aching. She looked just like my sister who is expecting her third little one in October.
The incomprehensible role of mothering children bonds women together as one.
We rejoice together; we fight together; we grieve together.
There is still a plane missing, planes are crashing, and sickness and war are happening around us – our mom hearts are heavy.
Mothers are watching their children, both young and old, die – as Mary witnessed the death of her Son so many years ago.
Our hearts bond together through weeping – we understand each other… and they don’t even know.
They don’t know how we cherished their smell when we held them for the first time.
They don’t know how their giggles and smiles warm our hearts down into our souls.
They don’t know how much we enjoy watching them play on the fields, on the courts, on the playground, or in the ocean.
One day they will understand, but until then, we hold them, encourage them, and love them while we have them – as He holds us, encourages us, and loves us.
And we understand… how much He loves us and how much we grieve Him, make Him smile, and bring Him joy.
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
And we praise Him for making us exactly who we are.
Our souls now know it well, and gratitude for this day abounds.
Let’s Pray…
Heavenly Father, We praise you for who You are ~ Creator of all things created. Thank you for creating us reverently in the innermost part of our mothers. Your works are wonderful to us, and our souls now know it well. We are sorry for grieving Your heart. Now we know what that feels like. Thank you for holding us and encouraging us along the way. May we bring You joy as we walk in You daily. May we share Your love with our children and those around us whom we help raise, so that in eternity we will all be together one day. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
Basking in His Light

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