Letting Go {featured on BraveGirl Community}
{A Guest Post by Kristen Wald}
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Today is a day I hold dear to my heart; it’s the day my precious daughter turns one.
As I plan for her birthday party, smell the cake baking in the oven, blow up colorful balloons, wrap gifts in shiny paper, a tear makes its way down my cheek. I thank God for His grace that I am able to celebrate this day, this joyous day.
As I sort through pictures scattered on the living room floor of the year’s past, my heart is overcome. I pull out a picture, buried under a multitude of joyous memories past. This picture, one I had not dared to display, captured a very different memory.
A tiny, not quite three-month old baby, lay with eyes closed on a pediatric sized gurney. Her pale little body against stiff white sheets, tubes and wires covering her in all directions, bright examining light shining down. I go back to those moments, those days. Ten days spent in the pediatric intensive care unit, three of which my husband and I did not expect to walk out of that hospital with our baby. Three days of no hope. I have burnt in my mind the memory of the doctor looking into our eyes as he said “I’m so sorry, there’s nothing we can do.”
The rest of Kristen’s story and an excerpt from her book are featured on www.bravegirlcommunity.com today…
May God encourage your heart and nourish your soul through her story…
Basking in His Light

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