Let’s All Be Brave {Review & Giveaway!}
Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’ Matthew 19:26
In the beginning bravery is fearfully silent, but on the other side it sounds like friends and family cheering you across the race finish line. Bravery feels heavy like a beating drum inside of my chest, which lessens to a tap as time goes by and we make friends in the neighborhood, our church, and a new school.
Bravery tastes like a glass of fresh-squeezed lemonade – sweet & sour, yet so refreshing as we drink it together with new friends on our front porch.
Bravery looks like the sunshine bursting through the clouds at sunrise – new and beautiful, and familiar at the same time. It’s God’s promises of a new day.
Bravery is different for everyone, yet at some point, everyone has to be brave.
Annie Downs, in Let’s All Be Brave, encourages readers with personal stories of how God has helped her to be brave (even when she really didn’t want to be brave!) Her transparency is beautiful as she lets the reader in on a big secret – it’s hard to be brave!
Annie encourages her readers to go for what is set before them and use the talents God has given them – all for His glory.
Don’t bury the gifts! They were given to you to be used by you!
Annie reminds her readers that the characters in the Bible exemplified immense courage because they didn’t know how their stories would end (except for Jesus).
So we read about Noah and immediately picture the rainbow. We focus on the fact that Jonah got puked out of the whale while forgetting he didn’t know that was coming. We think of the disciples and the miracles they saw, like the feeding of thousands of people with just a little bread and fish, and forget they didn’t know that story would turn out so awesome. Annie Downs, Let’s All Be Brave (pg. 112)
God knows your story and He knows mine. He can see the beginning and He knows the end. He is the one nudging you to begin something, or end something.
But it’s your map. Not my map. Or my cousin’s map. Or your spouse’s map. It’s yours. And there is something so sweet about God doing life that way. Giving you your own rivers to cross and mountains to climb and forks in the roads of your life that I will never come to. You get to be brave right there, in each of those places. Annie Downs, Let’s All Be Brave (pg. 19)
Courage comes from God when the Holy Spirit encourages us to take the next step…
He wants us to completely rely on Him.
God gives us courage to ~
…talk to the person we wouldn’t normally talk to.
…run for class office or a political office.
…leave an unhealthy relationship.
… move to a new location.
…try-out for a sports team.
…take the new job which allows for you to use the gifts He has given you.
…hold on when you cannot see two feet in front of you because you are battling sickness or a loved one has passed away.
…take time to pray for others and with others.
Annie reminds her readers that God gives us courage because of who He is – not because of what He can do for us.
You know why we have to be brave? Because courage changes lives. And eternity.
Let’s All Be Brave, Annie Downs (pg. 170)
So today I am brave as I write these words – words in a website that I never intended to create to share with the world. But His words have moved me, and they are moving others. So, I write and I continue to encourage hearts in order for Him to nourish souls right here at Basking in His Light and on BraveGirlCommunity and at Encouragement Cafe.
Write about His Word and share… somebody needs to hear them.
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24
This book left my heart smiling.
Maybe you need to read Annie’s story, too.
I’m giving away three copies this weekend. On Sunday we will choose three winners.
Please let me know in the comments, how have you been brave?
Basking in His Light

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September 5, 2014 at 2:49 pmWith God all things are possible. God has given me the strength when we moved to a new location, to meet friends, find a church family and more. God has given me the strength to reach out to others and pray with them that at one time was very uncomfortable for me. HE guides me every day and I will follow!
Mindy Lee Hopman
September 5, 2014 at 3:48 pmYes! When we move out our comfort zones, we move into His comfort zone. This is brave. Amen! XOXO
September 6, 2014 at 7:14 amThis book sounds wonderful and very encouraging. “Everlasting Father, enduring love forever, your kindness makes me stronger… You run to me” these lyrics from the song Everlasting Father come to mind. God has led me …..and carried me at times, through many forks in the road and turns that I never would have expected in my life. He has always been my refuge and strength. I feel so blessed. Thank you Mindy for all of your encouraging words that you share each day! Love you. Thank you for thinking of my bravery.
Mindy Lee Hopman
September 6, 2014 at 8:04 amRhonda, You are one of the bravest women I know! I love the lyrics to that song… God has made you stronger through some really difficult times, and He has blessed you immensely on the other side. May God continue to lead you and your sweet family as you bring Him honor and glory in all things – He is our Everlasting Father. Love you. XOXO
September 6, 2014 at 8:42 amJoshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” A year ago I was afraid to pray out loud in a group setting. My heart would race, my hands would shake along with my voice. God revealed to me during these precious times of prayer that I wasn’t alone. He gave me the strength and courage to face my fears. Satan enjoys the whispers “you can’t do this” his goal is to keep us away from our God. Our God is bigger than Satan. Our God is our Helper, He is our Strength, He is our Guide. Listen to His sweet precious whispers of encouragement “you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you”, “I am with you”.
Mindy Lee Hopman
September 6, 2014 at 1:38 pmMichelle, You are such a great example for others to follow. Your love for the Lord shines brightly from within by just being you. I love your servant’s heart. I am humbled to have been a part of watching God grow you spiritually. I am grateful for where you are and where you are going. God is so good. XOXOXO