Full Hearts: The Result of Time Well Spent
What you say flows from what is in your heart. Luke 6:45 (NLT)
When she walked out the door her heart was full, she wore a smile, and she was ready to begin the new day.
But it hasn’t always been that way… After many fast-paced mornings getting us all out the door, I realized that if I remained calm, they would be calm. If I was crazy, they would be crazy. If I laughed and giggled, they would too! It took me a little while to figure out how my tongue and my actions steer the ship each morning.
Moms, we set the tone and pace in our homes – morning, noon, and night.
If the tone and pace begin with us, how can we make sure our hearts are full so that we speak life into our children? Since time is precious and priceless, we need to spend it well.
- Spend time in God’s Word ~ Read a daily devotional, pray, & listen to praise music. Spending time in God’s Word fills our hearts with sweetness. God’s Word tells us we are, loved, adored, cherished, and complete. God’s Word holds us accountable for our actions. His Word humbles us as we see His greatness and vast understanding of our lives. Time in God’s Word fills your heart with the truth of God’s Word, and truth builds trust. In God’s Word we gain wisdom for decision-making. Good decisions replace anxiety with peace within our hearts.
- Spend time with God’s People ~ Who brings out the best in you? Choose those people to spend time with. Friends who know God and love God will help point you towards God in all aspects of your life – marriage, family, children, decision-making, etc..
- Spend time with God’s blessings ~ Spend time with your husband and children, especially around the dinner table. We become grounded around the table, because some of the best conversations happen there. Since toys are not allowed at the table (or phones/devices as they get older!) we make eye contact and talk about life around the table. You may have to eliminate extra activities which keep you from sitting around the table together several times during the week, but it’s worth it. This season of life will soon change. Enjoy it while it’s here!
- Spend time taking care of your body ~ Getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating well will help you feel better about yourself so you may pour sweet goodness and speak life into your children. For me, late night friends on the TV (even if it’s the news) do not spark the early, calm, and full-heart kind of mornings I want my kids to have in my home. We have had to turn the TV off earlier, so we can fully function the next day.
Spending time in the right places will fill your heart and nourish your soul.
Full hearts speak words of praise, encouragement, and healing.
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18 (NIV)
Empty hearts put people under our feet, so we may be elevated to a puffed up level that will crash over time. We get where we need to go, but we do not last because we are depleted.
Full hearts bend our knees lower, so that the words which flow out of our mouths help others stand taller. Isn’t that what we want? We want our children to walk with the the assurance of knowing they are loved, not only by their parents, but by their Heavenly Father.
Every morning is different and the obstacles we face are unpredictable, but I know if I am spending my time in the right places, I will have a heart that’s ready! H
Heavenly Father, I praise you for who You are – infinite and wise. I am grateful that the more time I spend in Your Word, the more I get to know you. Thank you for placing people who know you and love you in my life, and for helping me to seek them out in our new location. Thank you for helping me to eliminate distractions which keep us away from time together around the table, where the best conversations occur. May I continue to spend my time wisely as you continue to encourage my heart and nourish my soul, so that I may pour into the lives of my family and those whom you have surrounded me with…In Jesus name I pray, Amen
Reflect and Respond:
- How do you spend your time wisely? Are you spending time in God’s Word? What music encourages your heart?
- Who do you spend time with that leads you closer to God? Maybe you should give her a call today.
- How can you plan ahead so you are calm enough to speak life into your children in the mornings? (Make lunches the night before/Pack the backpacks the night before/Clean up rooms the night before/etc.)
- What can you eliminate from your schedule so you can make time to sit around the table together?
Basking in His Light

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September 12, 2014 at 9:40 amSo beautifully written. As a mom, I can fully relate with everything you are saying. I have found that if I am not in God’s word first thing in the morning, my day is not the same. When I read God’s word, and listen to his beautiful music my face radiates with smiles and blessings for the day. You are your children’s role model and they will follow you. When you pray with them and read a daily devotional with them they will feel the peace and comfort at the start of every day! And that brings me joy.
You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand. Psalm 16:11
Mindy Lee Hopman
September 12, 2014 at 10:20 pmHe fills us with joy when we spend time with Him…. Amen! XOXO