The Most Beautiful Role
As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. Isaiah 66:13 (ESV)
A little while ago my daughter was holding her baby cousin in her arms, as she looked up to my mother she whispered, “I can’t wait to be a mommy one day.”
Nurturing comes naturally to her.
I pondered her words for a few moments. Those few simple words filled my heart full of love, purpose, and assurance. I am exactly where I am suppose to be, and doing exactly what I am suppose to be doing… for such a time as this (Esther 4:14).
In our society’s eyes, a “job” is not really considered a job unless a paycheck is involved.
In God’s eyes, the greatest role a woman can hold
is that of being a mother in order to raise up the next generation.
I have held many jobs, and had many roles, but nothing compares to the role of being wife and mom.
Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3
On some days, when the laundry is deep and the dishes are high, motherhood appears to be the hardest job ever. Keeping up with a full time job outside of the home, chores within the home, and playing with children out of love and in order to maintain full hearts is a bit overwhelming at times. However, most often the smiles are wide and and the hugs are long, and I cherish my role as a mom.
The heart of a mother comes directly out of the heart of The Father.
Our Heavenly Father contains the attributes of both father and mother. He is all in all protector, provider, strength bearer, nurturer, and comforter.
One created man does not contain all of these attributes, and neither does one woman. After God made Adam He saw that Adam needed someone to compliment him and help him, so God made Eve. As father’s are created to be strong and protective, mother’s are created to be nurturing and comforting. Mother’s speak right to the hearts of children without even using words. Together they are one and children need both in their lives.
The Son of God experienced having a mother and he loved his mother dearly. When Jesus was dying on the cross he asked the disciple whom he loved to look after Mary since Jesus knew he would no longer be physically present with them.
Motherhood is a sacred role – not only to our own children, but to those children which God has specifically placed in our lives to help raise and nurture (nieces, nephews, neighbors, students, children’s friends, children we love on in church, etc.).
God gives moms the opportunity to encourage, love, and help train up the next generation in order for children to understand who they are in Him, know how much He loves them, and comprehend the great plan God has for their lives for eternity.
So moms, rest.
Rest in knowing you matter more than words can say, jewelry can shine, or flowers can show.
Who you are matters everyday…nurturer, encourager, nurse, teacher, cheerleader, chef, shoulder-cryer, and all of the rest of the many beautiful hats we wear – they matter. Many details you keep together today go unnoticed and may not appear to be appreciated, but there will be a day when we will miss the runny noses, dirty dishes, piles of laundry, long talks, and homework projects. There will be a day when it all comes together.
You matter.
When my daughter says she is excited to be a mom one day, she is talking about sharing play time, love, and giggles.
She does not comprehend all of the responsibilities which come with the role of motherhood. She does not know about the late sleepless nights. She does not understand how I wonder if I am doing enough, or maybe even too much. What she sees is a beautiful role for a woman to have – to love a child unconditionally, to care for him or her, and to have him love her back.
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
I loved my son and daughter from the very idea of conception. Before we even conceived them I loved them. I didn’t know them, but I knew that I loved them. I didn’t know about how difficult it would be to raise them, or how my heart would be worn on my sleeve for the rest of my life because of them. I just knew that I loved them.
The heart of a mother, wired to love and to nurture, displays the deep and wide love of the motherhood of God.
You have been deeply loved from the beginning. You are created with a purpose. You are deeply loved today, and regardless of where you are or what you are doing, you will be deeply loved tomorrow.
As our children grow throughout the years from baby to child to teen and begin to figure out who they are, we grow in Him. Jesus loves me.
As our children make mistakes and we forgive, correct, and guide, we also make mistakes and He forgives, corrects, and guides.
Jesus loves me.
As our children talk to us, make requests, and figure out the world, we pray to Him and He helps us understand.
Jesus loves me.
As we become our children’s biggest cheerleaders, He is cheering for us.
Jesus loves me.
As our children get hurt and need to be mended, we get hurt and need to be healed.
Jesus loves me.
As our children rest in our arms, we rest in Him.
Jesus loves me.
The most beautiful role of shepherding a child’s heart begins with a relationship with The Father. He created you for “such a time as this” to nurture the children he has placed in your home and in your life and to lead them back to Him.
Moms, you matter, more than you will ever know.
Heavenly Father,
I praise you for the most beautiful role. Mother’s, created to complement father’s in the most perfect way, speak to the hearts of children without even using words. Thank you for holding the stars and holding our hearts as we wear them on our sleeves. Thank you for caring for us as we care for them. As a mother loves her children, You love us and you comfort us. Thank you for loving us more than we can even imagine. May our lives reflect Your great love to all the children you give to us to nurture – we know they all belong to you.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
May you walk confidently in the beautiful role you are playing “for such a time as this.”
Basking in His Light

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April 30, 2015 at 9:03 amThere is nothing better than being a mom to my amazing and beautiful children; watching them grow with God’s love and comfort.
Mindy Lee Hopman
April 30, 2015 at 2:59 pmAmen! XOXOXO
Karen Stein
April 30, 2015 at 2:10 pmMindy, this is such a beautiful read. God has blessed you in so many ways, especially being a Mom. Thanks for sharing.
Mindy Lee Hopman
April 30, 2015 at 3:05 pmKaren, Thank you so much for your kind words! God is good, and I am so grateful. May He continue to bless you and your beautiful family! Thank you for stopping by Basking in His Light! XOXO
Susan B Mead
May 5, 2015 at 6:57 amMindy, As a mother loves her children, You love us and you comfort us. What a beautiful, poignant post. Thank God He loves us. I can SEE Him creating woman for man in your illustration. Lovely! Visiting from Kelly Balarie’s RaRaLinkup.
May I invite you to join me on Friday’s to #DanceWithJesus at Love to have you join the dance, if so. Susan
Kelly Balarie
May 5, 2015 at 4:04 pmMindy, this line touched my heart: “but there will be a day when we will miss the runny noses, dirty dishes, piles of laundry, long talks, and homework projects.” How true. How true. I loved the picture. It embraces the moment. Cheering you on from the #RaRalinkup. Much love to you. You clearly are a great mom!
May 5, 2015 at 8:47 pmYes! Being a mom is definitely the hardest job, and the most rewarding. Thank you for this reminder! Visiting you from the #rara linkup today:)
May 5, 2015 at 9:40 pmJust beautiful Mindy…so heartwarming!
July 15, 2015 at 10:59 amI have to say that I’ve learned more about God through parenting my kids than just about anything else. The great love I have for them, the anguish when they choose to disobey, the concern when I’m not sure where they are. I’m certain that’s just a tiny fraction of how God feels about each of his children. thanks for your post!