Found: Freedom & Confidence
In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. Ephesians 3:12 (NIV)
While in a casual conversation with a friend, she asked me, “How do I talk to God? He seems so big and holy, and I am just a mere person. How could he love someone like me?”
Yes, my sweet friend, you are a mere person, but you are so much more. You are the Creator’s ultimate creation. In the beginning God created light and dark, the sun and moon, the stars and sky, the land and sea, the trees and the plants, and the animals. After all of that, God created man – His ultimate, most complex, beautiful creation. You were deeply loved from the very beginning.
God and man lived as one in the perfect garden. But man was easily convinced he was “less than” and man wanted more. God gave man the ability to choose to follow Him, but when man chose his own way, the ultimate separation occurred. Oneness no longer existed between God and man, however the desire to be together as one again was placed deep into the crevices of our human hearts.
God chose to live amongst His people during the Old Testament times. In the Jewish temple the Spirit of God dwelt behind the veil in the most special place called The Holy of Holies. The thick temple veil separated the people from God. God was present, but distant. Limited access to God was given to the High Priest.
When Jesus died on the cross, everything changed.
The temple veil, torn from the top down, gave both Jews and Gentiles a free access pass to God and the ability to become one again. Our freedom was purchased with the blood of God’s very own Son. Our confidence comes by way of the Holy Spirit whom He has placed in our hearts for eternity.
Oneness opens the eyes of our hearts to help us understand His Word and begin to see His ways. By our belief in Him, and through our faith in Him, we may go directly to Him.
We become one in Him. We may go directly to Him.
However our God is a holy and righteous God. He is not okay with choices that don’t honor Him or bring Him glory. Temptation began in the garden and it continues to be present in our lives today. It occurs when we feel “less than” and want to become “more than” with something other than the precious gift of Christ. Giving into the lies of a temporary temptation keeps you and I from experiencing freedom and true JOY which is found in His presence. He is a righteous God. Knowing Him is greater. He provided the pardon.
Christ gives each of us the freedom and the confidence to let. it. go.
If I didn’t have confidence in the bridge ahead of me, I would not cross it.
If I didn’t trust that the milk was still good, I would not drink it.
If I didn’t trust that my parents had my best interest in mind, I would not have listened to them. The road would appear to be a fun place to play, and the hot stove would entice me.
Sin that is harbored in the heart consumes our thoughts, time, and emotions. It keeps us in bondage, which is the complete opposite of the freedom, oneness, and joy our hearts desire. We can find sin everywhere. It creeps up in the most unexpected places because it is unique to each of our weaknesses. Trust Him.
Self-confidence books line bookstore shelves and sit piled neatly on coffee tables in homes across the country. The world tells us to look within ourselves to find confidence. The world tells us to try it all and find what works for you. The world will tell you that there is not one right way, because today there are “no absolutes.” The world will influence you to try a program, principle, or procedure to make yourself feel good… The world will convince you that you are in charge of your own destiny. The temporary fix will feel good… until the next self-help program is discovered and the process begins all over again.
Subtle hints of temptation are everywhere in our world – without even using words. Superficially, it’s only natural for women to be compared with air-brushed, photo-shopped super models who appear on magazine covers and consume the content of our media. Normal women, teenagers, and even young girls feel “less than” when placed beside such beauty. So many sweet young girls grow up feeling “less than” in our culture today.
You are God’s beautiful, ultimate creation.
Anxiety, fear, anger, and even depression have quietly slipped into our lives because we have believed the “less than” lie that began in the garden. We try to fix the problem of feeling “less than” ourselves with alcohol, drugs, different relationships, medications, or various elective (not deemed medically necessary) plastic surgeries. We are so advanced in our medical technology today that you can even change your gender when your heart is unhappy with God’s original design.
You are priceless to God. You are His most precious jewel. He designed you with a purpose in mind.
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13
I have fallen into temptation. I have felt “less than” and tried to become more, but God did not let me stay there. You can never go further than God’s loving arms can reach. God pulled me out of the pit and gently reminded me that He created me just as I am, for a purpose which He could see.
The places in my body and in my life where I felt “less than” are where He completes me.
If you feel “less than” in your marriage, let Him complete you.
If you feel “less than” in your friendships, let Him complete you.
If you feel “less than” in your own skin, let Him complete you.
If you feel “less than” in your parenting, let Him complete you.
If you feel “less than” in your job, let Him complete you.
If you feel “less than” in your life, let Him complete you.
Let Him complete you. God fills the crevices, which were created in the Fall, and the blood of Jesus fills the hurt and the wounds found on your heart today.
You are “more than” the world can see when you let God complete you.
Confidence comes from the Creator, not the creation. Fix your eyes on Him.
Confidence in the world is temporary. Confidence in Christ is eternal.
Confidence is found in a person, not a program or a procedure. Until you let Him fill you, you will always want more. Confidence does not come by way of ourselves. Man can not produce confidence. Confidence comes when you understand your worth never changes.
You are priceless to God.
Rest in Him and rest in the truth of His Word. Let it guide you. This does not mean doing everything that appears right in your eyes. It means following His Word, letting His word resonate in your heart, and letting Him lead. He alone is worthy of praise. The One who is worthy of praise is the One who will never fail you or forsake you.
He wants to be found by you.
So, let it go sweet friend.
Turn back to God. Close the separation gap in your life.
Christ alone offers forgiveness.
Christ alone heals hurts.
Christ alone makes all things new.
Christ alone gives freedom.
Christ alone creates contentment, happiness, and pure JOY.
Confidence is found in Christ.
“Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 (NASB)
Basking in His Light

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July 14, 2015 at 8:18 amI love this! I am learning to body approach the throne of grace. Its a beautiful surrender to both a holy reverence and an intimate relationship, I love it and it surprises me so often. Thank you for your words!
July 14, 2015 at 8:24 amSometimes it is a word, a graphic or a song. Thank you so much for sharing this song. It spoke deeply to my heart this morning. So grateful to have visited from #RaRaLinkup. Blessings!