Abundantly Beyond
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 (NASB)
God is preparing women’s hearts from around the world for this upcoming weekend. Two years ago my heart was literally overflowing with excitement, hope, and anticipation of what was to come.
The opportunity turned out to be beautifully abundant beyond words, which is perhaps why it has taken me so long to share.
Manuscript. Check.
Speech. Check.
Travel Arrangements. Check.
Phone call to Rhonda (best childhood friend) who lives in Charlotte. Check.
She Speaks Conference by Proverbs 31 Ministries registration. Check.
God prepared the way and He prepared my heart for that weekend. From my speaking group and coach to the breakout sessions and excellent keynotes, I knew the conference would be big. I also knew I wanted to take time out to praise and worship God the Sunday morning afterwards. My heart longed to attend Elevation Church at Blakeney where I had recently discovered the worship leader London Gatch – another Jewish believer.
Worshiping Jesus with others Jews lends itself to a sweetness in my spirit.
Time was short on Sunday before I had to travel home, so I chose to attend church with my childhood friend in Charlotte and have lunch with her family afterwards. We quickly made arrangements to meet with limited details.
This was the summer when the job change and move presented itself to my husband and our family. Jon and I stood in the midst of uncertainty while holding onto the hope of opportunity.
Each morning I woke up and prayed for the speakers and organizer of the conference. I prayed for God’s plan to unfold in my life and the lives of the women attending. I prayed for my husband and our children. I prayed for my heart to be ready. I desperately wanted my heart to be ready. I prayed for courage. I prayed for strength. I made wonderful connections with other women in ministry and each session sharpened my speaking and writing skills, but nothing prepared me for Saturday night.
I sat down at the table where some of my sweet new friends had saved me a seat. My purse on my chair, my bag on the floor, the music began and I looked up. It was dark. I was trying to focus, but right then and there I knew. I took out my phone just to check the photo on twitter to make sure, but I knew it was her. London Gatch was leading worship right then and there at the conference… and what were the lyrics saying?
Hillsong’s “Oceans” was released at the exact time God was calling us to a new place and asking us to keep our eyes on Him. At that moment my soul understood that He was asking us to trust Him.
You called me out upon the waters. The great unknown where feet may fail. There I find you in the mystery. In oceans deep, my faith will stand. I will call upon your name. Keep my eyes above the waves. When oceans rise, my soul will rest in your embrace. I am yours. You are mine…Spirit lead me where my trust is without boarders. Let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me. Oceans, Hillsong
After two full days of training, God met me in a way that was beyond words. All I could do was lift my hands and praise Him – for what He had done in my life, what He is doing, and for the changes to come.
The She Speaks conference equipped me.
God encouraged me with a sense of strength and confidence that only He could give.
I left the conference ready for what He was about to bring.
Are you ready?
I am praying for the attendees, organizers, and speakers this year. This conference is only a glimpse of what God is doing in women’s ministry.
I’m praying for you to have a heart that’s ready, because He is waiting for you.
And did I mention where Rhonda goes to church regularly in Charlotte?
Elevation Church at Blakeney.
Enjoy this weekend.
Seek Him and He will make Himself known to you in ways beyond words.
Basking in His Light

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