We Remember
September 11th – a day we will always remember- a moment that marked time for every single one of us.
Other moments have marked time. However, this moment marked it because it shed terror throughout our nation. The devastation and loss began in a city we love and spread rapidly across the country into the world.
We watched in horror as the events took place before our eyes. It was 2001, so I held my baby tight, prayed, and wondered if our loved ones were still alive.
And then in the darkness, there came a great light… a structure of metal in the shape of a cross appeared to remind us of the Light sent to bring hope to a world full of hurt. The picture of the cross standing up in the rubble spread quickly throughout the media. It reminded us that if there wasn’t such darkness, we would not need the Light.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5
In the immense devastation, hope appeared.
For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:5
The cross symbolizes devastation.
The cross symbolizes reconciliation.
The cross symbolizes hope.
The cross symbolizes the ability for good to overcome evil.
The cross symbolizes eternal life.
Today, we remember.
We remember loved ones lost and loved ones forever affected, and we rest in our everlasting Hope who has overcome the world.
Hope is found in a person, not a place.
Hope is found in Christ. We remember.
Basking in His Light

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