What’s in a Name? Featuring: I Know His Name by Wendy Blight
Hallowed be Your name (Matthew 6:9, NASB).
Behind every name is a story which gives depth to the name.
I may know your name, but for me to know you well, I need to know your story. Our stories give our names dimension, depth, and an abundance of beauty.
The Creator of all things created knows our names and is the Author of our stories. He knows us intimately. He knows us completely. He knows the day we were born, and He knows the day we will enter into His eternal rest. But here on earth, how well do we know Him?
Although our finite minds will never understand His infinite wisdom, when we study His name through His stories, the character of God is revealed, we grow closer to Him, and our hearts begin to know Him better.
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. A.W. Tozer
To know God is to know His stories.
To know His stories is to know His name.
To know His name causes heart transformation.
He transforms our hearts, and through our changed hearts God can change the world, (Wendy Blight, Proverbs 31 Ministries author of I Know His Name).
In the beginning of I Know His Name, Wendy introduces the reader to Elohim, “Creator God.”
Wendy explains that in the original Hebrew language “el” was a common name for gods, as well as our God. However “im” is a plural ending used with a singular verb.
Why is this significant? Because it indicates a unity and diversity within the nature of God. The Hebrew language often pluralized nouns to express greatness and multiple attributes. With the name Elohim, this unity and diversity captures the doctrine of the Trinity – one God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, (I Know His Name, Wendy Blight, pg. 4).
God had a master plan from the very beginning. You are His masterpiece – divinely created for His master plan.
Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth,’ (Genesis 1:26, NASB).
He was not alone when He created us.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago, (Ephesians 2:10, NLT).
God can see the big picture. We are a snapshot in His master plan. When we seek Him, we realize everything that we thought was falling apart was really falling into place. Knowing God, and understanding how His Son and the Holy Spirit were always a part of His master plan, completes us.
Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10, NASB).
Heavenly Father ~ Elohim,
We praise you for Your master plan. We praise you for giving us Your Word to help us understand how You created the world, and then You created each one of us in Your image as well as the image of Your Son. You saw the Trinity from day one, and You see the part that each one of us plays in the big picture. I praise you for breathing life into us for Your glory. May we seek You first today. May we let go of whatever is holding us back, and may we let You lead – from the beginning to the very end.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray,
Basking in His Light

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March 7, 2016 at 11:15 amMindy, thank you for sharing my new book “I Know His Name” and the magnificent name of God, Elohim, with your friends. I especially love this sentence, “I may know your name, but for me to know you well, I need to know your story. Our stories give our names dimension, depth, and an abundance of beauty.” Though we may know someone’s name, we don’t really know them unless we spend time with them and learn about them, and the same rings true for God. To really know Him, we must know HIs many names and what they mean. 🙂
Mindy Lee Hopman
March 7, 2016 at 5:11 pmWendy,
It’s a pleasure sharing your new book! I love your heart and your transparency. Thank you for writing “I Know His Name” for the hearts of women. It is meeting the hearts of the women in my Bible study right where we are. We love it.
Thank you for your obedience to God… He is using you in amazing ways.
Many blessings,