Refuge & Strength
God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear… (Psalm 46:1-2 NASB).
An eerie feeling invaded my soul when we drove away from our boarded up house in the dark as Hurricane Matthew approached.
I had to remind myself that regardless of what my eyes could see, or how I felt, I would not fear. I had to trust what I know to be true.
When trust replaces fear, peace moves in and there is no room for anxiety.
Full hearts are calm hearts, so we take our concerns to the cross, because Christ cares about each one of them. He came for us. He died for us. He rose again to give us hope that is alive.
We, too, will overcome one day, because this space we live in is only temporary.
There is so much more than what we can see, and God is at work behind the scenes.
He still holds the whole wide world in His hands, and for that I am grateful.
Heavenly Father,
We praise You for who You are and what You have done for each of us. Thank you for Your Son who died on the cross, but then overcame death. He is our Living Hope and in Him we know that we, too, will overcome. This life and this world are only temporary, but faith in Christ is eternal. Thank You for helping us to take our focus off the craziness of this world and place it on You. I lift up our country to You. You are our protector, our provider, You make all things new, and for that I am grateful.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray,
Basking in His Light

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