2017: My One Word
Each New Year, we identify our weaknesses to establish a New Year’s resolution. The resolution determines a change in our habits. Whether it is trying to eat healthier, exercise more, or spend less, my resolutions usually didn’t last after the first month! Resolutions often sizzle away just like the midnight fireworks that ring in the New Year!
For the past three years, instead of creating a resolution, I focused on the trend of choosing one word for the year or season of my life. I select one word that keeps me close to the Word and leads me closer to the Word who is Jesus.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1 NASB).
Three years ago my husband and I were in the midst of seeking God’s will for a huge decision. We needed His guidance regarding whether or not we should move from the school we helped to grow for thirteen years in Florida to a private school in South Carolina that was searching for a new headmaster. That year we celebrated Christmas in Tanzania and the Swahili word tumani which means “hope” showed up in many different places. I knew my word for 2014 needed to be “hope” because my heart rested in the Living Hope who was leading my husband and me in the decision-making process.
We decided to take the new job. The first year we were in South Carolina was difficult for us, as a move is for most families, so I began looking for “joy” in the little things. I found “joy” in the beautiful sunrises and sunsets God painted daily in the skies around our new home. In 2015 I found “joy” in knowing that God created us for such a time as this, and He would not have moved us if He did not want us right here for right now.
We decided to take the new job. The first year we were in South Carolina was difficult for us, as a move is for most families, so I began looking for “joy” in the little things. I found “joy” in the beautiful sunrises and sunsets God painted daily in the skies around our new home. In 2015 I found “joy” in knowing that God created us for such a time as this, and He would not have moved us if He did not want us right here for right now.
Last Christmas we were in Costa Rica traveling when I was overwhelmed by God’s amazing “love.” However, tears flowed down my cheeks when I realized how many people do not know the depth of His great “love.” For many people, Christmas is just an ordinary day.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (John 3:16 NIV).
Everyone who has ever loved anyone or anything can comprehend the “love” and the loss the Father must have felt when His Son died on the cross. He gave one life to save all, and because of His great “love,” we can’t help but audaciously “love” others. I have diligently tried to show “love” to my family and to the people whom God has placed in my life throughout 2016, and I hope that I have brought God naches.
Naches, my word for 2017, is a Yiddish term my grandfather whispered to me one day and the premise for my book which was published this past fall called Beautiful Legacy: Our Roots Run Deep.
Naches. I did not recognize the Yiddish word. Tears welled in his eyes as he explained and breathed the words, ‘Joy… pure delight.” Then he elaborated: When a child brings abundant joy or delight to his or her parents or grandparents the Yiddish expression for the emotion one feels is naches.
Naches, he said, is a deeply emotional word, used when the fullness of the soul overflows beyond the expression of common words. It was then that I realized the sweet joy and pure delight were what he saw when he looked at my children – and me. So it was my turn for my eyes to well up. I looked at him and all I could say was a whispered ‘thank you.’
Naches. It struck a chord with me. I knew the feeling my grandfather described. A feeling of sweet joy overwhelms my soul when my son does something helpful for his sister or for a friend, or my daughter helps my sister with her little ones.
Our children warm our hearts when the love they feel deep down in their souls pours out onto others. This feeling of delight is beyond words.
Exerpt from Beautiful Legacy: Our Root Run Deep
As I brought my grandfather naches, and my children bring me naches, do I bring naches to my heavenly Father? I can only hope that the unconditional love and abundant amount of grace I have from Him overflow onto each person I meet, and may His heart smile with naches as I seek to honor Him and love Him above and beyond with all of my heart, mind, soul, and strength.
What word will lead you closer to The Word this year?
The word you choose should help you focus on God and bring Him glory in everything you do.
I am praying blessings over you for this new year to come.
With Love,
If you are interested in learning more about the one word trend, my friend Rachel Olsen from Encouragement Cafe wrote this book My One Word: Change Your Life With Just One Word.
Basking in His Light

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