His Presence, Our Rest
The LORD replied, My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.
Exodus 33:14 (NIV)
Throughout the year, each one of us in this beautiful “child raising” season works hard during the day and travels from school to sport/drama/dance events in the evenings/weekends, and we plan for one week of vacation to rest.
It’s the golden week that we all look forward to – time to reconnect, renew, and rest.
But how often do we return from our vacations just as exhausted as we were before we left?
Because in our mind, we think that rest is purely physical.
I just finished serving at camp for a week with students and a great group of leaders.
Physically, we did not get much sleep, and we are tired, but spiritually and emotionally our hearts are fully rested.
There is something special about being in the presence of God with a few thousand people all at one time worshiping and adoring the King of kings. It looks like a glimpse of heaven.
Through worship, messages from the Word, small groups, fellowship, and beach quiet time, students and leaders, people of all ages, gave their concerns, worries, and cares to God to carry. God lifted the exhausting loads they were carrying right off of their shoulders.
Several people gave their lives to Christ last week; they are forever changed.
We found the rest we had been looking for, through the filter of Jesus, and the peace which transcends all understanding filled and renewed hearts.
Because rest comes from being in His presence, and He is always present.
Although time away from everyday activities is necessary and essential to reconnect and renew our bodies and relationships, it’s not the only way to rest.
Here’s the key, if we spend time in His presence daily, we can find rest throughout the year, and not have to wait for the one golden week of vacation or camp to find it.
After God had delivered Moses and His people out of bondage, God promised to Moses that He would continue to go with them throughout the journey and give them rest.
He gives us the same promise today.
After He delivers us out of bondage, He promises that He will be with us and in Him we will find rest.
And when we rest in Christ, our perspective about what is essential shifts, and everything else falls into place.
Heavenly Father, I praise you for Your omnipresence. Thank you for being present every day in our hearts and homes, as well as on Sunday mornings, at camps, and on our vacations. In Your presence is where we find rest. I praise You for the many young hearts you captivated last week. May they continue to use Christ as their filter to see the world and may they find their rest in You so they may be the salt and light in their circles of community. In Your precious name, Jesus, I pray, Amen
Basking in His Light

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Pat Skodras
July 29, 2017 at 7:47 pmBeautifully said!!