Lacking Nothing, Abundantly Full
“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want,” (Psalm 23:1 NASB).
Similar to a good parent, a good shepherd knows his sheep well. He cares for each one, He provides for them, and He protects them should trouble arise.
In His presence, they have everything they need.
Our Father knew exactly what we needed, so He sent His Son. His Son came to this world for you and for me. He died and then He rose again to become the ultimate Shepherd of the ultimate flock.
Jesus comforts our souls, cares for us in the good times and bad times, and gives us direction.
He knows each of us by name. He brings us back when we stray. His eyes are on us all the time.
In the presence of the ultimate Shepherd we lack nothing, we are content, and our hearts are abundantly full.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for meeting us right where we are. Thank You for sending Your Son to the cross as a final sacrifice to bear our burdens yesterday, today, and tomorrow. When we give you our worries and concerns, You comfort our souls and fill us with the peace that transcends all understanding and an abundant amount of hope. In the craziness of what our finite eyes see, may we learn how to trust Your infinite wisdom, one day at a time. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray, Amen
Many Blessings,
Basking in His Light

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