He Loved You First
We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19 NIV).
We do not always feel love, but the truth is that God loved each one of us from the very beginning.
Our Heavenly Father created each of us out of His immense, unconditional love.
Regardless of what we say, or what we do, He does not love us any more or any less.
God is love. God’s love is not pink and fluffy, but rather bright, scarlet red.
He loved us so much that He sent His Son to us as an atoning sacrifice to cover up our messes from yesterday, today and tomorrow, and we all have a mess to be covered. We find forgiveness and mercy at the foot of the cross as a result of His sacrificial love.
When we turn back to Him, we realize He has been waiting for us to come the entire time and that’s when He fills our hearts with His crazy, full, immense love, and for that, we can all be grateful.
Loved people, love people. Who do you need to reach out to today?
Happy Monday!
Basking in His Light

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