Pondering the Treasures {A post for the end of a beautiful Mother’s Day}
But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart (Luke 2:19 NASB).
A mother’s heart harbors and ponders treasures of all kinds.
One may find memories of life’s sweet ups and downs, first steps, first words, the first day of school, first goals, first-day driving, first dolphin sighting, cuddles during sicknesses, birthday celebrations and graduations all in a mother’s heart.
These moments give just a glimpse of what a mother remembers. From the hope of conception and the enduring months of pregnancy, through the painful birth (or the moment the lover lays eyes on the object loved), to the precious memories that continue throughout childhood into adulthood.
Captured from different ages and stages, each treasure is priceless. But really, every person who inspires to grow up the next generation out of pure unconditional love, can’t help but contain the treasures found within the tender heart of a mother. They are not exclusive to those who gave birth.
The treasures are the precious gifts that come as a result of knowing someone well, loving someone deeply, and holding onto a heart full of hope completely. This “drive you to your knees” kind of love is not always fluffy pink, warm, and happy, but rather joyful and sometimes pain-filled from going to the depths of raising children well and the goal is always to raise them well.
We love, because He first loved us (1 John 4:19 NASB).
Mary’s heart beat for God. She believed God when He told her He was going to do great things, so she stored the treasured moments of the process in her heart and she pondered.
And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord (Luke 1:45 NASB).
She pondered. She took time to think and to treasure. In other words, to have the time for all of the thoughts in your mind to come together.
For nothing will be impossible with God (Luke 1:35 NASB).
Because raising children and students into young adults in this world today is a process that takes time, and the adversary loves to consume our time.
In our busy world, as parents and teachers, we tend to look ahead with desire for the finished product, but we neglect, or look down upon, the hard and enduring process.
God is always at work. Our lives are always a work in progress.
I try to be a good mom, but I am not a great mom. In the beautiful moments and the hard moments, I have made mistakes in the process of raising my children. The one thing I know is that in this world they cannot get everything they need from me.
It’s my job to point my children to the heart of the Father, and to treasure the sweet moments of the seeking process along the way.
When we find the Father, at the foot of the cross, He fills us with forgiveness, mercy, and love, and He lavishes us with His amazing grace. At this moment the process of becoming more and more like Him begins.
To you, Beloved, the one who loves and pours into the lives of the next generation, I hope you had a Happy Mother’s Day! May you ponder the amazing ways God is working through you, above and beyond what you ever could have imagined, and may you remember those precious treasures of becoming that are stored in your beautiful heart.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen (Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV).
Many Blessings,
Basking in His Light

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