Beyond the Shadow {Please meet me on the front porch of Encouragement Cafe today!}
…things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ. Colossians 2:17 NASB
A spectacular sunrise view meets my eyes at daybreak. Pink, orange, and yellow hues cast across the sky, and it is as if God is presently painting with various brushstrokes on a wide-open blank canvas. The sheer beauty of the brilliant sky lights up the shore each morning and stuns me every time.
But the past few mornings I have noticed the shadows. After the waves break and as the water recedes, a shadow of the quiet sunrise observers remains in the shallow pool. The lovely reflection does not last long. It is elusive. However, when I see it, it is beautiful. The shadow is the build-up of what is to come.
Please join me on the front porch of Encouragement Cafe today to continue the rest of this devotional. Click here: Beyond the Shadow
I hope to meet you there!
Basking in His Light

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