We Press On

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 (NIV) 

Calmness and chaos both take their turns reigning these days. The simpleness of not running from event to event this spring has created a sense of calmness mixed with sadness, and a little chaos of a different kind.  

This chaos comes from our “normal” being taken away and having absolutely no control of the situation causing the world to grieve. Our hearts seem a little disorientated from only finding connections with the world, friends and loved ones outside of our home through communication online, but the beautiful part is that we do still find a way to stay connected. God loves family. God loves community. 

We press on. Our children are watching and reacting to every one of our actions. The way we respond to what is happening in our world will help to preserve their emotional health for the days and weeks to come. Actions are teachable moments that don’t use words. 

We press on. We remember our Heavenly Father’s faithfulness to us in the past, and we keep the desire of our hearts placed on our Heavenly Prize. Holy Week helps us to remember the hope we have and the joy that is to come. 

We press on. We find hope in the person of Jesus Christ. He loved us so much, that he marched into Jerusalem on a donkey to prepare for the celebration of the Passover, where He would become the Lamb whose blood would be shed for our sins. 

We press on. Because nobody finishes a race before it is over. We train to run. We train to win. This race called “life” is not finished yet.

We press on. We encourage each other. We pray for each other. We support each other locally. This is how we run our race together. And we will finish well, becuase we are not running this race alone. God is with us. 

Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving me the endurance, hope, and courage to run my race well. I press on with my Heavenly calling in this race called “life” because I have actively placed my hope in You. Every day you remind me of Your faithfulness in my own life, which helps me to keep my eyes on the prize. Help me to respond to each situation that comes against me today with mercy, peace, and grace. May Your Light shine as brightly as the beautiful full moon in the darkness. In the Precious Name of Jesus, I Pray, Amen 


Basking in His Light

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