Soul Restoration

He restores my soul. Psalm 23:3 (ESV)

Soul restoration, found in full, grateful hearts, may be hard to find these days. How does one’s heart become full in times of hardship, disease, brokenness, division, loss, or suffering? 

Our hearts long for comfort. We look for it everywhere. 

The Psalmist knew that sheep who look for soft, comfortable, easy places to lie down may become cast, or upside down when they try to stand.

A comfortable place to rest may not always be a safe environment.

Because, comfort is found in a person, not in an environment. 

When life appears easy or goes our way, we are comfortable, and we do not feel as though we need The Good Shepherd.

God allows us to experience the low points in life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way. –C.S. Lewis

It is in the place of hardship and suffering when we begin to understand we need the person and the presence of The Good Shepherd more than ever.

The Good Shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to look for the one who is lost, and we are all lost until The Good Shepherd finds us. He cares for you because He loves you, He has your best interests in mind, and He wants to protect you. If you feel lost today, seek after Him. You will be found. 

When He finds us we realize He has prepared us for today because we are created for today.  

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 (NASB)

Nothing is a surprise to The Good Shepherd. When your tired and weary heart turns to Him, He fills it with His strength, His courage, His patience, and His understanding as you lean into Him and follow The Good Shepherd.

The Good Shepherd makes all things new – including our perspective. When we follow Him we begin to rely less on our finite vision, and rely completely on His infinite wisdom.

In His presence we complement each other; we don’t compete against each other.

In His presence we are ONE — one body not divided by race or ethnicity.

You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Psalm 16:11 (NASB)

In The Good Shepherd’s presence there is fullness of joy. Gratitude exists becuase He is present and He is always present.

May your gratitude overflow onto the rest of your flock today, beginning in your home, right where you are. Full hearts can’t help but overflow! 

Heavenly Father, Soul restoration occurs in You. Thank you for finding me and letting me see Your presence right in the middle of the hardships in this world. In Your presence is indeed fullness of joy, not because of what is happening in the world, but rather because Jesus overcame death and one day in Him so will we! In Your presence we become ONE as the body of Christ. I praise You for all of my brothers and sisters who come from all walks of life. I am grateful that You love us all as Your own and Your Son came and died for every, single, one of us. Thank You for Your presence. Please bring healing to our land and to our people. In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen

Basking in His Light

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