20/20 Vision: We Need a Clear Path
He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Psalm 23:3 (NASB)
Which Path Do I Travel?
This unprecedented moment in which we stand is no surprise to our Heavenly Father, who is the Author of this incredible story. This moment in time, one snapshot of God’s “big picture,” is no surprise to Him!
Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now.
We get to be here, but we haven’t been here before, so the next thing to do may not be clear. It may be too hazy for any of us to see the clear path, even though we know it is there.
The Good News
Here is the good news. Our Heavenly Father has graciously equipped us with specific gifts and skills to use right where we are, and He knows where to lead each one of us to find our place in the “big picture.”
It is only natural for us to want to go our own way, but God sent us The Good Shepherd who knows what we need.
I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. John 10:11 (NASB)
Our Heavenly Father needs us to trust Him and follow Him. The Good Shepherd has gone ahead, cleared the way, and made the rough places smooth. He knows the landscape well. He will strategically lead you to move you into an environment where you will thrive.
It’s during this time that our spirit grows to depend on Him and lean into Him.
The Good Shepherd laid down His life for you.
An Attitude of Gratitude
With an attitude of gratitude, as a result of the sacrifice and selfless actions of The Good Shepherd, each one of us has a choice.
We may choose to follow Him or to go our own way.
Even when we can not see, we can trust that He is leading us in the right direction. He always has our best interests in mind.
Courage, Comfort, & Peace
The power of the Holy Spirit gives us the courage to follow Him, the comfort to stay in His presence, and the peace to trust Him in all places. May you let Him lead, beginning today.
Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your presence. I praise You for having eyes to see, when the path is not clear for me. Please give me the courage to trust you, and comfort that is only found in Your presence. And lead each one of us down Your path of righteousness. During this crazy, hazy moment in time, may we have 20/20 vision for You.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen
Many Blessings,
Basking in His Light

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