The Garden by Jon Gordon
Encouragement is like oxygen for your mind, heart, and soul. –Jon Gordon, The Garden
I found a good amount of encouragement for today in Jon Gordon’s new book called The Garden. There are several reasons why The Garden has become my favorite new book this summer.
Reason #1: The clear message on the battleground.
Reason #2: The presentation (writer’s craft) of the message.
Reason #3: The personal application — how to win the battle! And maybe I enjoyed it so much because The Garden represents the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) theme this year –>100 percent!
And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. Mark 12:30 (NLT)
Or maybe I loved it because The Garden was written for everyone for,
“such a time as this.”
Each time the enemy tried to distort the truth and create doubt and discourage him, Jesus responded with God’s truth. Thousands of years ago he was showing us how to win the battle today. It wasn’t some ethereal teaching to get us to escape the reality of life on earth. He gave us a practical application on how to win the battle everyone is facing right here, right now. It’s not just meant for Christians. It’s meant for everyone. –Jon Gordon, The Garden
We Are in a Battle
Every single human faces doubt, distortion, discouragement, distractions, and division.
…we need to know that the battleground between good and evil begins in our heart, mind, and soul. –Jon Gordon, The Garden
In the Garden Adam and Eve believed the lie and lost. In the wilderness Jesus spoke truth to the lie and won. And we can do the same. –Jon Gordon, The Garden
God in His goodness, reconciled the division from the beginning of time on the cross.
You see, what happened in the garden gets reconciled on the cross. –Jon Gordon, The Garden
How to Win
The strategy to defeat the division caused by the lie includes trusting, speaking truth, encouraging one another, focusing, and uniting together.
The good news is, God creates space for each one of us to choose Him. He is with us in the battle – yes, you are in a battle. And here is more good news, He is for you!
I enjoyed this beautiful book so much that I bought The Garden for the people on my FCA Home Team. Thank you for praying for me, encouraging me, and sending me into ministry. I am grateful.
If you are struggling with fear, anxiety, or stress, you may want to pick up this short spiritual fable to learn how to overcome the challenges you are facing and create the life you were meant to live!
Many Blessings,
Basking in His Light

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