FCA Ministry UPDATE {August 2020}
And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. Mark 12:30
Every year the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) presents a theme at camp used throughout the school year in team, campus, and coaches huddles.
This year’s theme is 100% because when you love something, you give it your all — you give it 100%!
While overnight camps were cancelled, SouthCoastal FCA held “Serve Camp” this summer. Students learned what it looks like to sacrifice, surrender, surround, and serve at 100% in all aspects of their lives.
Students worshipped together, played games together, laughed together, and served together all over the SouthCoastal area all while keeping physically distanced!
Ministry is 100% happening within FCA during this season!
Our team is out meeting people right where they are, and we continue to build up student leaders through weekly Zoom meetings to help students establish The Core of their faith, so they are equipped to encourage their friends and their teammates with the truth of God’s Word.
The truth from God’s Word helps us to overcome the fear of what is happening in the world today!
You are a child of God. 1 John 3:1
You are enough in Christ. Hebrews 10:14
You are equipped with purpose. Ephesians 2:10
In March, I began publishing short messages of encouragement for students, athletes, coaches, teachers, my FCA Home Team, and friends! Do you receive them? Have you seen the weekly messages on my Facebook page or Instagram Feed? If you missed them, please click here to watch!
In addition to the Monday messages, I hold FCA Home Team Huddles on Friday mornings for the women who have partnered with me in ministry over the years through prayer or financial support.
SouthCoastal FCA is excited to see how God is going to move this year. Our faith is bigger than our fear. The environment may have changed, but the message has remained the same!
Change is certain. Christ is constant.
It would be an honor to have you join my FCA Home Team! Please click here to find out how to partner with me in ministry.
Many Blessings,
Basking in His Light

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