Don’t Get Too Comfortable
An article published in Hilton Head Prep’s Perspectives magazine this summer…
God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him. -Francis Chan
We had never been to Hilton Head Island before, although we had heard it was beautiful. In 2013, when Jon was asked to interview for the Head of School position, we sought God in prayer, and we began to understand He was leading us away from our comfort zone and into the unknown. We were prepared. We were ready, or so we thought.
We bought a house and arrived at the school, not fully understanding the amount of love and attention both would need. I thought I was moving into a writing and speaking ministry. However, God had a different plan for me.
The past eight years have been beautiful and hard and lovely all at the same time. One month into our first year at Hilton Head Prep, I found myself teaching in the classroom again, which led to helping to build and align the curriculum, co-leading the accreditation team, and publishing the first of eight yearbooks. Though it was not my plan, this was God’s way of connecting me with the faculty, staff, students, and families of our new, beautiful school, and I am so grateful.
Over the years, many of the students I taught became a part of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) club in both the Middle School and Upper School, which grew in their own mighty ways. What a joy it is to see lives changed as a result of being a part of FCA Leadership, FCA Campus Huddles, FCA Team Huddles, or FCA Camps over the years.
Five years after we arrived at Hilton Head Prep, I moved out of the classroom and into a ministry role with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes while still working part-time at Prep. God’s timing was so much better than my own.
I have learned that God does not call us to be comfortable. Growth, opportunity, and fruit come from moving through spaces of discomfort where we have to lean in, trust Him, and follow His plan.
Jon and I have loved serving at Hilton Head Prep. We are grateful for the opportunity to raise our children in a kind, caring, and compassionate community that has both nurtured and challenged Hunter and Haylee to grow into the best versions of themselves.
We had finally started to become comfortable in our stride, which is why this moment in time is not a surprise to us. We were not looking for a change; the change came to us. After a time of prayer, seeking wisdom and discernment, we know this is the next step to continue growing. Jon will return to MVA to lead as their Headmaster, and I will work with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to help establish a platform for women in sports.
The end of this chapter is like coming to the end of a good book that you do not want to end because you have fallen in love with the characters. Prep, Thank you for the moments and memories. We will cherish them forever.
Basking in His Light

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