Finishing Strong! {FCA Spring Ministry Update}
The Goodness of God
When my family left Florida in 2014, Pastor Jonathan Winningham said these words directly to me: “Stay Stunned.” He encouraged me to watch in wonder at His work. Today, nine years later, I continue to “Stay Stunned.”
Nobody does ministry on their own, so my heart overflows with gratitude toward the people God has called to partner with me. I understand Paul’s humble heart posture as he prayed these words about his people with such gratitude.
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. Phillipians 1:3-5 (ESV)
To those who continually pray for the ministry, thank you!
To those who financially support FCA monthly (Annual Monthly Partnership), thank you!
To those who faithfully serve with me, thank you!
None of this would be possible without you, and you are an amazing Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Home Team!
As WE finish this semester, please enjoy this glimpse of what He’s done!
[THE] Huddle: for women Release!

[THE] Huddle: for women in Naples, FL

Montverde Academy Invitational Tournament (MAIT) – 20 Year Anniversary

JXV Experience – Region 14 Leadership Team

Directors Summit

Local Huddles Rock!

Israel – The BEST FCA Professional Development!

[THE] Huddle: retreat

May The Lord bless you and keep you in His care always.
Regional Director of Ministry Advancement – My New FCA Position in Region 14 Began April 1st

FCA Spring Luncheon

Baccalaureate & Graduation 2023

This Summer: FCA Coaches Time Out (CTO) South, FCA CTO North, FCA Lakeland Leadership Camp, FCA Ecuador Missions Trip! Let’s GO!
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Phillipians 1:6 (ESV)
God called my family back to Florida, and we are so grateful as we have realized how perfect His timing is. What He has done is much better and bigger than I could have imagined, and I believe this is just the beginning. I continue to be stunned at the goodness of God!
I will be there to pour into the female coaches and coaches’ spouses as they enjoy a timeout in the north and the south of Region 14 with their spouses!
I will be there as students are learning what it looks like to be a follower of One and a leader of many at Leadership Camp!
And as an FCA team travels to Ecuador to run a Power Camp, Coaches Time Out, and All-Abilities Camp, Haylee (my daughter) and I will be there!
Oh, and we have secured a location for the 2024 filming of [THE] Huddle: for women on October 31, November 1, and November 2nd!
Please let me know if God places it on your heart to be a part of what He is doing in The Fellowship of Christian Athletes. We don’t want to miss this moment!
There are so many ways to pray, support, or serve!
– Send a student to camp!
– Send students and/or sports equipment to Ecuador!
– Contribute to [THE] Huddle: for women funding! (We raise money ahead of time so we may give the curriculum away for free!)
– Contribute to the FCA Internship Program!
– Partner with FCA monthly and join my FCA Home Team!
You are so loved, and I am grateful for you!
It’s summertime! Let’s GO!
Many blessings,
Basking in His Light

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