FCA: Ecuador, Power Camp & more!
Florida FCA (Central Atlantic) traveled as a team to serve with FCA Ecuador by running an FCA Power Camp in Quito last week…

From serving and praying together with to passing out Bibles in their heart language, to worshiping, to exploring the center of the world, to growing together as God showed up and showed off in some of our weakest moments, to caring for each other, to encouraging each other, to loving our children and the children God entrusted to us for “such a time as this” all to lead hearts to Jesus.

And hearts responded. Seeds were planted. Some took root. May God bring the increase.

God continues to work through the ministry with an FCA Coaches Time Out (for coaches and spouses) and an All-Abilities Camp this week.
What a joy it is to see God at work in the most beautiful ways. We believe the best is yet to come!
Ministry happens when just one person goes, one person sends, and one person prays!
Thank you for being “my people!” Hearts came to Jesus, and continue to come to Him, because of this great team!
I am grateful. You are so loved!
Many blessings,

Basking in His Light

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