Back to School: A Prayer for Educators

‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Lord Hear Our Prayer

Heavenly Father, 

 I praise You for the call You have placed on the lives of administrators, teachers, coaches, guidance counselors, and staff to make an impact on the next generation. Educators are “difference makers.” 

 Administrators have implemented new programs and processes to continue to help students grow academically, socially, emotionally, and physically in and out of the classroom. During this moment in time, may administrators continue to seek You for guidance and wisdom so they may continue to lead their educational teams in a way that glorifies You. Please continue to give them a vision for tomorrow. 

 As teachers venture into a world filled with technology and new instructional methods, may You be their source of comfort. May You calm their hearts as the curriculum and technology come together. May they embrace this moment and not let platforms hinder building relationships with students. As we all know, it’s within those beautiful relationships that learning takes place. 

 As coaches train their teams, may coaches and players continue to give 100% in every environment this season. No one knows what tomorrow will bring! Every day of training is a gift. May You provide them with strength and guidance daily. 

 May You strengthen guidance counselors and put them in the right place to help bring comfort. They will calm the anxious hearts of both students and parents. May they continue to be available. 

 Please open the eyes of all educators to see student needs beyond instruction or training, and please give them the means to meet the needs of this generation. 

 For every staff person involved in education, may You give them wisdom, strength, protection, and encouragement daily. 

 May You protect every administrator, teacher, coach, guidance counselor, and staff person. Please keep them healthy and safe in their respective environments. Please protect their families as well as they serve long hours. May they seek You when they feel discouraged and find their comfort in You and the calling You have placed on their lives. You have created every one of them for today, and today is a part of Your eternal plan. 

 As every educator returns to school this year, may Your call on their lives be remembered daily. Educators are making an impact today for tomorrow. Thank you, God, for providing so many “difference makers.” 

 In Your Precious Name, I Pray, 


Basking in His Light

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