Storms Will Come: Five Things for When Facing a Storm with Kids

O LORD God of hosts, who is like You, O mighty LORD? Your faithfulness also surrounds You.  You rule the swelling of the sea; When its waves rise, You still them. Psalm 89:8-9 NASB

As Hurricane Milton approaches the West Coast of Florida, we brace with white knuckles for his arrival in Central Florida. He comes much too closely on the heels of Hurricane Helene, which came through two weeks ago and hit the same beloved coast while affecting so many states north of Florida.

Because of where we have lived, storms of this kind have been a part of our lives with our kids at every age and stage. Although every storm is different, how we respond to each one is the same. Essential windows will be boarded, sandbags will be put in place, cars will be filled with gas, rockers and plants will be brought inside, candles and flashlights will be ready, board games will be brought out, and plenty of food and water will be gathered.

I have learned a few things from facing a storm with kids over the years.

Five Things – When Facing a Storm with Kids:

  1. Stay calm. You cannot place an adult perspective on a child’s reality.  Children do not understand the gravity of the situation. They will react to you, not the hurricane. If you fret and worry in front of them, they will also fret, worry, and act out. If you stay calm, they will remain calm.  They are watching you, and their emotions will mirror yours. How you respond matters.
  2. Explain what is happening. This is a great time to talk science! I am not a science person, but I love to learn with the kids.
    * Hurricanes use warm water as an energy source to go faster, and they slow down once they hit land.
    * The middle of the hurricane is called the “eye.” It is usually the calmest and quietest part of the storm, while the “eye wall” is the most dangerous part. (Yes, the “eye” of a hurricane actually came right over us one year!)
    * Hurricane names follow the letters of the alphabet. Hurricane Milton follows Hurricane Leslie. We have already had a few hurricanes named since Hurricane Helene was here two weeks ago. The names are created ahead of time to label the storm systems.
    * Although the strong winds from the hurricane are dangerous, the tornadoes and storm surges will cause the most damage.
  3. Teach children how to prepare for the storm. It is not too early to learn how to buy extra water and food that might not need power to cook.  Brainstorm and create a list together. Children can help in the kitchen ahead of time to prepare food such as muffins, bread, or cookies for the next few days.  They can help you pick out some special indoor crafts, clay/wood to paint, or a new set of Legos or Play-Doh. Get out the candles and the flashlights. They want to be a part of it all. Our family boards the windows and places the sandbags where they need to go together. Your family is a team, and everyone gets to part to play.
  4. Explain the process’s beginning, middle, and end to your children. Talk about what you are doing so that they are not surprised when you have to spend a long period indoors. Talk about the evacuation route or the “hunkering down” process and the process that occurs afterward when the entire community comes together to clean up. Hurricanes do one thing well—they bring people together.
  5. Enjoy the “hurricane party.” Some of my kids’ favorite memories are of playing flashlight tag in the dorm where all the families from our school campus “hunkered down” together. This is a time to come together to reconnect after the busy start of the school year. While indoors, you are given the gift of time to play games with your kids, watch movies together, read good books, and enjoy the “hurricane snacks!” These are the memories that they will treasure always.

The damage is unpredictable, and the uncertainty is heavy. It will be stressful, but your children need you to lead and love well during this period. Our God is bigger than this physical storm and any other storm that will follow.

He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’ Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

Most importantly, take time to pray. Pray on your own and pray together.

The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. Nahum 1:7 (ESV)

Heavenly Father, Please continue to watch over our friends and family in the path of Hurricane Milton. We need Your protection, strength, and guidance. Wherever we have “hunkered down” with family and friends, may we find rest from this storm in You. May we respond well by trusting You. Please bring us together as one as we seek You through it all. And may the peace that transcends all understanding invade our hearts as we remember – You still hold the whole wide world in your hands.
In the precious name of Jesus, we pray, Amen. 

We are praying for you,

Basking in His Light

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