A Beautiful, JOY-filled Wedding! The BEST way to begin the New Year!
Tim Keller says, “The Bible begins and ends with a marriage. ‘At the climax of the Genesis account of creation, we see God bringing a woman and man together to unite them in marriage. The Bible begins with a wedding (of Adam and Eve) and ends in the book of Revelation with a wedding (of Christ and the church). Marriage is God’s idea.’”
Being a part of Matt and Katie’s love story was a true joy.
I’ve known Katie since 3rd grade, and we’ve shared many memories—from her time as my middle school student to our involvement in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Katie, a standout swimmer, went on to swim at Louisville, where she continued to connect with me through our FCA virtual huddle for college athletes.
Katie and Matt, both University of Florida graduates, deepened their love for each other and for Christ over the past year. They were baptized last fall and decided to get married. When they began planning their wedding, Katie wanted a personal ceremony. She desired it to be led by someone who knew her well. So, she asked me to officiate. After prayer, I felt God calling Jon and I to support them through this season.
For guidance, I contacted my FCA Teammate and friend, Rob Jacobs, a former youth pastor and wedding officiant in South Carolina. Rob and I work together in FCA. His excitement when I called him was priceless. He told me he knew it was only a matter of time before one of my former students would ask me to officiate his or her wedding. Rob shared his pre-marital counseling materials and wedding outlines, which I adapted for Matt and Katie, and he spent time walking me through the entire experience for them.
Jon and I met Matt and Katie after Thanksgiving last year to start pre-marital counseling.
The hours we spent together walking through this season and praying together were a true honor and full-circle moment for us. It brought back so many memories. Jon and I committed ourselves, and our marriage to Christ in our pre-maritial counseling with Robbie and Kim Pitt over 27 years ago! That was the moment we decided to build our marriage on the Rock, and now Matt and Katie are doing the same!
Marriage is a glimpse of Christ & the church. We see this as Christ, the groom, gave up His life for the church, who is the bride. As Christians, we understand the little sacrifices we make every day for each other can never compare to the greatest sacrifice of the cross.
Matt and Katie are prepared and ready, and Jon and I can’t wait to see how God uses Team McDonnell to impact the world.
Through it all, I’ve learned if we seek God, listen to Him, and trust Him, He will guide us.
We can make an impact right where we are with the people He has placed in our spheres of influence, in every season.
This is how we leave a lasting legacy of faith.
My heart is full, and I am so grateful.
Basking in His Light
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