Advent Devotional: Faith-Family Tree {The Significant Stepfather}

It wasn’t the direction Joseph was anticipating. However, hope soon replaced fear, and Joseph walked confidently in his God-given role. Joseph became the stepfather to the baby who brought peace and redemption to the hurting world.

The Son, whom Joseph was chosen to raise, is celebrated as the Prince of Peace and King of kings.

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Advent Devotional: Faith-Family Tree {An Adoring Aunt}

Even though it appeared physically impossible, Mary was carrying the Son of God, because nothing is impossible for God.

God blessed Mary because she believed. Mary believed and she became the mother of the baby who would reconcile the world.
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Advent Devotional: Faith-Family Tree {A Hidden Heritage}

Esther’s placement in the Persian palace allowed for the entire Hebrew nation to be perfectly preserved and for God to send a baby through them in His perfect timing to a broken and hurting world that needed a Savior.

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