He Provides for My Every Need…
Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day’ (Exodus 16:4 NASB).
My teenage son ravages the pantry and refrigerator every 30 minutes. His rapidly growing body needs constant nourishment and replenishment. I try to keep protein-rich, healthy food available for him (since I know what his body needs), but if there are chips or candy available, he is all over them and they are gone in a swoop! The boy is hungry!
When the pantry is empty, he looks at me with his big eyes and expects for me to fix it in a flash! I’m sure he would prefer the licorice or potato chips, however I try to keep sandwiches, healthy snacks, or protein bars available at all times. I know what his growing body needs!
Just as parents know what their children need for healthy physical growth, God knows exactly what we need for spiritual growth.
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Basking in His Light

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Mike Hamm
April 7, 2016 at 6:53 pmSo right where we are with GW right now.
He actually gave me a shopping list of staple foods items that
Every good parent should never run out of……..my parenting skills are now in question
God provides, and I give it to my child. Thanking God for abundance these days.
Mindy Lee Hopman
April 7, 2016 at 7:03 pmOh, that’s so funny! Wow! Amen. He provides. So grateful and so good to hear from you! Thank you for sharing. Miss you guys!