My Refuge: The One Safe Place to Hide

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 ESV).

Two years ago this month, we moved our family of four out of our comfort zone, and into a place unknown to our family, in order to lead a new school community.

We would never have left if God had not called us to go; however, there have been moments that I have questioned the direction He was leading us. We moved to a place where many people vacation, yet life has not been a vacation. The long hours, intense days, and a few difficult times caused me to question and wonder the mystery of God’s will for our lives.

Ruth2-12But, our God is bigger than what we can see or imagine. He is always at work behind the scenes. Each day He paints the morning and evening skies in hues I cannot even begin to describe, which remind us of His everlasting presence. My family has held on tightly to Him, and we have sought refuge in the one place we know is safe, under the shadow of His wings, and while we were there we prayed.

At moments when everything felt as though it was falling apart, God was faithfully weaving each piece together.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart (Psalm 91:4 NIV).

Our God is faithful, and He works in His perfect timing. Where God guides, He always provides. In a culture of instant satisfaction, we expected for God’s plan to unfold immediately.

When we waited for Him, we realized that His ways and His plans were even better than we imagined.

God provided a new church, with growing youth and women’s ministries, and a couples group to continue to strengthen our marriage.

God provided two club lacrosse teams, and other great sports with strong coaches, for both of our children to thrive.

God provided, and continues to provide, outstanding teachers and administrators to fill the gaps, and to raise the bar of excellence at our new school. Students are rising to meet the high expectations, and our children are challenged daily.

God provided friends for all of us through our church and school, to warm our hearts and “do life” with here in this beautiful location.


During our most difficult times God met us right where we were, and hearts began to understand what our minds knew… Our refuge is not found in a place, it is found in a person.

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment–to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ (Ephesians 1:7-10 NIV).

During the storms and changes in life, may you find refuge under the shadow of His wings. God is bringing all things together behind the scenes. He is our protector and He offers perfect guidance because He can see the big picture. He sent His Son, to bring us all back together as one.

Change is certain. Christ is constant.
God is always faithful.

Heavenly Father,
I praise You for who You are. I am grateful for Your faithfulness. Even when I am faith-less, You are faithful. I praise You for your constant presence behind the scenes as my family and I find shelter under the shadow of Your wings. You are fighting battles for us that we don’t even know exist, and I am grateful. I praise You for Your Son, who brings all things together again as One. Our refuge and are comfort are not found in a place, but found in Him. It is well and my “mamma’s heart” is full of gratitude.
In Jesus’ precious name I pray,

Many blessings to you and yours today,

Basking in His Light

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  1. Grace is the Gift of God - Basking in His Light

    June 8, 2016 at 9:55 am

    […] I thank you for being a safe place to land, for meeting me right where I am,  and for being my refuge. I am grateful that grace is the gift of God. In the Precious Name of Jesus I Pray, […]

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