The Endurance We Need For Today {From the Front Porch of Encouragement Cafe}
Therefore, do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. Hebrews 10:35-36 NASB
Have you ever noticed the amount of physical endurance one needs in order to stay strong until the end of the race, or until the end of the game? Athletes practice hard, and then at the end of practice run sprints or “suicides” to build up endurance.
Runners run tempo runs to build up endurance for the long race. After all, we run to win, not fade out in the last 400 yards! Physical endurance is something that you work hard to build up, and can also be lost in a matter of a little “time off.”
A robust physical endurance means that your body can sustain long periods of exercise. When you begin training, you are not able to endure as much heavy aerobic activity as you are a few weeks into your training.
Marathon training programs begin with just a few miles, and then mileage is added each week. Each time you train, your muscles become stronger, and your body can take in more oxygen to sustain you longer.
Physical obstacles are overcome easily when your body is strong, however building physical endurance is tough! It takes a determined commitment from you. This commitment takes time out of our schedules for training, to reach the end goal.
Actually, you can compare your Spiritual endurance to your physical endurance. The race is just a little different. The Greek word for endurance is hypomone. It means steadfastness, constancy, and describes a man who does not swerve from his deliberate purpose.
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