New Environment * Same Message = Let’s Go!
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20 (NASB)
In January, Clayman told me his parents had been inside their home in China for a few weeks already because of the virus. The environment in China had changed rapidly. He was worried his father would not be able to come to America to help him tour colleges during spring break in March. At the time, he was even concerned that his parents would not be able to come to his graduation. My mind did not comprehend the seriousness of the virus. And we went about our day.
Although Clayman does not live with us anymore, he participates in the Fellowship of Christian Athlete campus huddles, and we continue to keep in touch. Jon and I agreed to help him make the college visits if his father could not come here. We never even considered that we wouldn’t be able to take him ourselves.
All year, FCA Campus, Leadership, and Coaches Huddles were going strong on several campuses!
Student speakers and guest speakers were sharing the Word, and all were growing in the Word.
The message of The Four was shared throughout the thriving ministry.
Team Huddles had ended for winter sports and spring sport Team Huddles were beginning. We were getting ready to gear up for camp season!
When spring break arrived my family traveled to Florida to watch Hunter play in a home lacrosse game.
I had no idea the pictures I took that Wednesday evening in the beginning of March would be the final shots of the season.
On Thursday, Hunter was concerned and told us they might call the season off, and by Friday, the NCAA had stopped all spring sports. The virus spread so fast.
In the meantime, dreams were crushed. Covenants and celebrations were canceled. Everyone went home. Classes moved online.
College classes moved online.
High School classes moved online.
Middle School classes moved online.
Even Lower School classes moved online.
And the Fellowship of Christian Athlete Huddles moved online!
The staff of SouthCoastal FCA met to pray for God’s direction, and we realized that our environment changed, but the message remains the same!
Instagram Live huddles connect students from our SouthCoastal area AS WELL AS the surrounding areas! We meet every Tuesday & Friday at 7pm. {Please join us!}
SouthCoastal FCA connected with FCA Alumni, and they are leading virtual huddles!
Although not in person, I communicate A LOT these days!
Zoom calls connect FCA staff in our area, region, nation, and world. FCA Leadership staff training takes place several times a week through Zoom, and I have never felt more connected to the entire ministry team!
My Home Team Huddle meets early Friday mornings on my front porch through Zoom! The moments of praise, prayer, connection, and teaching have been priceless! {Please let me know if you would like to join us! Ladies only!}
Hunter finished his freshman year of college online. High School, Middle School, and Lower School teachers and students have a few more weeks left of classes. Haylee’s AP final exams will even be online this year. Many International students went home. Clayman went home to China to finish his senior year online.
FCA camps will not take place in person this summer, however virtual events are in the planning process, because even though the environment has changed, the message remains the same! In a virtual space, we will continue to bring the Word to build community with students, coaches, teachers, and parents.
Students, I am praying for your motivation! This is your opportunity to have a great year academically! You don’t have many distractions, so you may finish strong! You can do it!
Family and Friends, I’m praying for you. I’m praying for you to stay safe and to be protected from the virus. I’m praying for the virus to subside. I’m praying for your businesses to survive and your families to thrive during this moment in time.
Thank you for praying for me and for my family. Thank you for praying for ministry to continue in the virtual environment so that hearts may continue to be encouraged, and souls nourished all for the glory of God!
Many Blessings,
Basking in His Light

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