Strength for Today

Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 (NASB)

In the Old Testament, King David’s sin weighed heavily on his heart. He carried it for a while, but then he turned to God in repentance. He asked God to forgive him of his sins and create a renewed, clean heart within him. 

King David made choices that did not honor God, yet throughout Scripture, we know him to be “a man after God’s own heart.”

King David sought after God’s heart and he asked his Heavenly Father to cleanse his heart in return. 

You and I are like David. Sins, those we are aware of, and those we are unaware of, weigh us down with guilt, worry, and remorse. 

For this reason, Jesus came. Our sin was nailed to the cross forever. The blood of Jesus makes our ugly sin as white as snow. 

When we turn back to Jesus, He takes the burdens we carry. He creates clean hearts within us with steadfast spirits. 

God rewrites our stories with a fresh script, and for that, I am so grateful.

May you take your cares, concerns, and burdens to the cross today. Give them to Him. He cares for you. He will cleanse your heart and strengthen your spirit. 

And I think we all need a little strength for today! 

Heavenly Father, We praise You for your presence during times we cannot understand. We know you are present, yesterday, today, and tomorrow and you still hold the whole world in your hands. Thank you for rewriting the script of each of our stories when we turn back to You. In Your precious name I pray, Jesus, Amen

Basking in His Light

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