Five Heart-Nurturing Lessons My Mom Taught Me
Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life. Proverbs 22:6 (GNT)
I stumbled upon a box full of letters written by my mom years ago. Each one contained priceless words she chose to communicate with her teenage daughter. She wanted to make sure she got her words just right, so she wrote them down. These treasures reveal the depth of our conversations, and how she nurtured more than my body while growing up – she nurtured my heart.
Five Heart-Nurturing Lessons My Mom Taught Me:
1. “Good Morning, Sunshine!” has nothing to do with the weather, and everything to do with the attitude of the heart. My mom always said this to me in the morning, and I say it to my children (and my students) today. Moms set the tone in the home. Children’s hearts often mirror ours! It could be pouring rain outside, but inside the home, the Son is always shining!
2. Everyone needs one hug a day. Physical touch communicates love in an intimate and real way. Hug your children at least once a day to communicate your love and let them feel your presence!
3. Lunch box notes rock! Everyone loves the surprise of a hidden note, especially when they least expect it! Leave special notes for your kids to let them know you care and their hearts will smile. These notes don’t have to be in a lunch box, that’s just where I used to find mine! Now, I leave notes in fun places to surprise my mom when I go to visit her!
4. The best conversations take place around the dinner table. Family bonding, great conversations, and laughter around the table may only occur if we make time to sit there together. In our fast-paced world, it’s easier to eat on the run. Make time for deep, light, and funny conversations which require eye contact and engagement. And remember, regardless of age, no toys are allowed at the table!
5. Kiss your children goodnight, even if they are sleeping. A kiss seals the day with a blessing for the night. It gives you one more opportunity to bless your child’s heart before the day is over.
A mother’s love is never-ending, unconditional, and always present. Her love reflects the love of our Heavenly Father in the most perfect way. I read through the letters from my teenage years and carefully packaged them up again. I treasure the words my mom wrote to me long ago.
As I saw a glimpse of The Father’s love through the little things my mom did, I pray my children and the children/students in which God has entrusted to me, feel His love too.
We love, because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 (NASB1995)
To all of the women who encourage hearts in the home, classroom, field, or court, Happy Mother’s Day!
You are so loved!
Basking in His Light

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